Experts Physicians have found that kissing is good for health.
Kissing is not just to make someone feel Happy, but also
effective Against Many Diseases. What are the benefits of kissing for health?

Kissing in a long time may help our circulation system.When kissing, the faster the heart rate to 110 heart bitper minutes away.

us against stress. Kissing in a long time may destroy the stress hormones.
8 Advantage for Kissing More ... Excess kissing .....

those who do not do this routine.

Create one feel valued and give peace themselves.

passionately three times per day (at least 20 seconds per kiss) may helpweight loss.

Cheek muscles are tensed for a passionate kiss help tighten skin and increase blood circulation.
Kissing is good for the heart, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
They are often kissing rarely get stomach problems.
During the kiss, antibiotics are secreted in the water saliva. Saliva is also believed to be the anesthetic that helps reduce pain.

Note: But for Muslims, kissing it is ok but to have a valid/legitimate marriage ONLY.But many Muslim couples out there who kiss too, even if not married yet..for they ,kissing have a current trend or just normal for them.
huhuhu ... Allah S.W.T knows best,Wallahualam!!!
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