Who Wants To Be My BOTW ?

Written by : Unknown | 1:34:00 PM | 3


So now I’m going to make a blog of the week thing! but not by VOTING , I will choose one among the blogs who got most highest traffic source to my blog.

To Get Involved
If you wish to be considered for Pink Diva™ Blogger of the week posts ,then fill out all  requirements on the comment form below to let me know your interested. All blogs submitted will be carefully reviewed by me. Also, remember commenting on Pink Diva™ posts will also help your chances :)..don’t worry ,I don’t bite :P

pink01Your Name

pink02Your’s Blog Name

pink03Link To Your Blog

pink04Tell  A Little Bit About You And Your Blog 

What do you get out of this?

flower A chance to be blog of the week obviously..hehe:)

flower An Entry to the winner of BOTW - Pink Diva™ Blogger of the week posts .

I will be announce the BOTW chosen on Every Saturday .

I´m in such a good mood :)
GO GO GO !!!… …

Attention all, this segment just only for fun ..Whether you like it or not ( ada aku kesah), the decision is in your hands to choose.So Happy Blogging!!
Sharing The Love :)


  1. betul tuh! ade kesah? kn kak kn? hahahaha..yeah ty!

  2. hahaha!!!..betul..betul..betul...(upin & ipin version)

  3. Sis nak join BOTW blog sis. Form ni nak isi kat mana sis???


Note : All comments are moderated manually by real humans, so you won't see them appearing immediately.

For Non-Bloggers
Please select profile & click "Name/URL" If you do not have any profiles on any those listed. (Leave the URL empty).

It's harsh to call you Anonymous , So please Leave at least a Name.