How To Installing Cursor In Blog

Written by : Unknown | 11:16:00 AM | 0


Morning all readers..How you all doin by today?Hope everything just fine..Amin!!!

Tutorial this time is how do we put a cute cursor in our blog.Without wasting time, let's we start our tutorial.. As what you can see cursor on my blog here..


Before start it,You need to find a cursor that suit you..There’s a lot of cursor you can find it in here Cursor. Already found your favorite cursor?

1. Select a cursor and right click on the cursor location by selecting save image as. Then the cursor hosted  on your own hosting.

2. Login to Blogspot.

3. Select the Layout - Edit HTML.

4. Download Full Template before editing the blog.

5. Find ]]></ b: skin> and paste cursor code you've just hosted in the code shows below

body { cursor:url("Cursor Link Image Here"),default;}

6. Save your Template.
That’s It and your Done..
Sharing The Love :)

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