How To Hide Or AutoHide Blogspot Navigation Bar

Written by : Unknown | 10:19:00 AM | 0

The above image are the forms provided by the Blogger Navbar / blogspot consisting of four colors. Blue, Tan, Black and Silver. We can change it to suit our template in Layout => Edit Navbar.Position is at the very top blogs. Used to Sign In / Out, Customize blog, etc.

Back to the topic, some people feel less before the eye when Navbar are on their blog and would like to hide it.

Ok here are the two ways to solve this problem.First to just hide the navbar and the second to create the "Auto Hide".

1. Login to Blogger => Layout => Edit HTML.

2. To hide it add the following code.

#navbar-iframe {

 To make the "Auto Hide" add the following code.

#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

 Add everywhere above code after the code <b:skin> <! [CDATA [/ * like the example below.

#navbar-iframe {height:0px;visibility:hidden;display:none;}

Your Done!!!
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