Easy Peasy Chicken Curry Pao

Written by : Unknown | 3:27:00 PM | 0

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Ingredients :
▶ 3 tbsp  Vegetables oil (or cooking oil)
▶ 2 cups wheat flour ( Pao Flour)
▶ 2 tbsp yeast or 1 sachet
▶ 1/2 cup warm water
▶ 1 tbsp sugar
▶ Pinch of salt


① Put the yeast, warm water and sugar into a container. Stir and let stand for 10 minutes until frothy.
② Use a separate container wheat flour, vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. stir briefly.
③ Put the yeast mixture earlier. Knead to form a dough, then form round.
④ Leave the dough to rise. Cover with plastic.
⑤ Flatten the dough, put the core as you like  & Let the dough rise again.
⑥ Steamed it for 10 minute . . ready to be served.


Ingredient for Chicken Curry:

↪ Cooking oil
↪ 1 clove garlic [sliced]
↪ 3 shallots [sliced]
↪ 300 gm chicken fillet (small diced)
↪ 3 pcs potatoes ( small diced)
↪ 2 tbsp curry powder
↪ 1 cup of water
↪ salt to taste


① Heat the oil . Fry the garlic and shallots until fragrant.
② Put the curry powder that had brewed with water , and chicken meat. Stir well.
③ Then put the potatoes, salt and water.Let it boiled until  soft & thickens.
④ Mix until the chicken meat completely cooked and the potatoes is tender.
⑤ Ready to put in bowl.

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