Pikom PC Fair 2011

Written by : Unknown | 11:21:00 AM | 0


Finally,Pikom PC Fair that was held for three (3) days in Sandakan has ended yesterday.Bitter and sweet together encountered. Jokes and laughter, and mostly extreme tiredness has ended.Memories together with exhibitors from  other booth is very missed.

The annual exhibition is awaited by many visitors around this country. In the past 3 days, all kinds of behavior of visitors that I have seen, wether old, young, teenagers, men, women, grandpa, grandma, children, disabled men (OKU) are also not left went to this exhibition.This exhibition received warmly received by the public, not just those who live in Sandakan, as well as from other places like Tawau,Kota Kinabalu,Lahad Datu,Semporna,Labuan and many more to mentions..Possibility that they are among those who missed this exhibition on their location..hehe:)

The first day, I was late went to the Community Hall to report, I’ don’t expected that road worst on way there..huhu: Outside the Hall,there’s crowd of people had waited since 10 a.m..(..I arrived 15 minutes before the exhibition.I was lucky because the security council had allowed me to enter even without ID.when I get on our booth,they busy arranged all flyers and my boss was there too early than I am..hehehe:)

Well ,no more wasting time, let me introduce you to our lady exhibitor’s ( very nakal adik2 ni )

My colleagues in the office, always with her phone all the time even went to toilet .

A mischievous girl and funny as well

Before get to know her ,it seem so arrogant , but then actually she is a very cheerful.


This one is very fond of laughter..we called her Laughter Queen..:)

That is the exhibitor who is joined  the exhibition that day..Me? Of course with them as well,I would not be missed that tau..

The exhibition, which lasts for three (3) days is very tiring for us all,My employer was also on the field to provide support to the exhibitor’s.But no matter how tired though,We are also happy.There is nothing more I want to say .. here I want to share some pictures I took using my old HP Sony W995..pardon me,a bit blurry..jejeje..so layan jew la k..

Till here..am signing off..Thanx  For Reading..!!!
Sharing The Love :)

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