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Mothers are not rare to find. Good mothers are. Have you ever wondered what goes on to make a good mother? Get to know about what lies in the heart of an ideal mother. What makes good mothers? It is a pertinent question whose answer cannot be contained within a few words.
Mothers comprise of a bundle of emotions that sometimes defy reason. So this goes out to all the mothers who have kept awake all night with their sick toddlers in their arms, constantly uttering those compassionate words, "It's OK honey, Mommy's here."
Many will said "Haram" to celebrate Mother's Day for those who are Muslims.A bit of controversy here.For me what is wrong want to celebrate mothers day.Mother's Day is to appreciate the mother's love.Indeed, people would say that every day is mothers day.But sometimes the mother is self-celebration to gladden the heart of our mom.We give a gift ,a kiss, make a special entry for the mother and sometimes greeting mother’s day itself was enough for a mother touched by us.
Mother’s Day ,similar but not the same.Not at all resemble the pagan culture.Be positive thinker.Mothers day date is not the same all over the world.Commemorate the date is not stated in the pagan culture.We appreciate the way our mothers did not reach destitute or deviate from our religion.
So, this is meant for all the young and aged mothers, working mothers and housewives, married mothers and the single mothers, those with money and without and for those without whom life would have been insufferable.
Wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!!
Make the first day of our mother called a mother, as your mother's day..
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